Friday, November 12, 2010

Raised bed gardens

It works! it's simple, it's easy. Perfect and fun past time for the back yard gardener. What are we talking about?  the raised bed garden of course. Often called the square foot garden, you can create your garden any size you choose, depends entirely on your families preferences. I go with the 4 foot by 4 foot raised bed garden as described by Mel Bartholomew, and for the reasons that Mel identifies.

The 4 foot square allows access to the center of your garden by arms reach from all sides. This may seem a small consideration, but only until you need to reach the center of your garden and not step in your garden and compact the special Mel's Mix soil. Some gardeners I know prefer a long 4' wide by whatever length you have room for.  I have built both and still prefer the 4'X4' and I simply build more than one garden when I need to plant more veggies or flowers.

My gardens differ from Mel's in several ways. First I have become convinced over time that 8 inches of depth does a better job of nurturing larger root plants that grow tall like Tomatoes, Okra, Corn, and others, than Mel's 6 inch deep side rails.

You can certainly build your own raised bed gardens, however several inexpensive garden kits are available for slightly more than you will spend  rounding up the pieces and assembling from scratch yourself. Everything you need other than the soil is delivered in a box to your front door. you will have your garden ready for soil in about 15-20 minutes, yes, it's just that easy. The garden that I have created is the Green Diamond Garden in a box from These gardens are built from Cypress or Cedar ( you choose) and offer the 8 inch side heights as opposed to 6 inch that Mel recommends. There is a 20 year rated weed guard fabric, all corner fasteners and grid dividers included.
The simple and easy to follow instructions included, also provide the tried and proven soil mixture formula and identifies the sources for the purchase locally of the necessary ingredients.

You will be growing luscious heirloom Tomatoes, salad greens, potatoes, beans  and flowers in a small   4 foot square on your patio or back yard.  Get the kids involved, you will be surprised at how quickly and easily they will get into gardening, especially with no tilling, plowing, weeding and simple watering requirements. Visit greendiamondgardens .com for more information. Bill GDG

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